Installing Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi

Download Image

1. Download the latest Raspbian release (Wheezy) from (e.g.

2. Check that the hash of the downloaded file matches the one on the download site.

$ sha1sum

Write Image to SD Card

3. Extract the SD card image file from the archive.

$ unzip

4. Write the image to the SD card.

$ sudo dd bs=4M if=2013-05-25-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdc

where /dev/sdc is the path to the SD card device.
IMPORTANT: The path varies; using the wrong path would cause the wrong disk to be overwritten.

Resize Root Partition on SD Card

5. Run parted on /dev/sdc.

$ sudo parted /dev/sdc

6. Print the partition table.

(parted) unit chs
(parted) print
Model: Generic STORAGE DEVICE (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdc: 482,18,47
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: 482,255,63.  Each cylinder is 8225kB.
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start     End         Type     File system  Flags
 1      0,130,2   7,165,29    primary  fat16        lba
 2      7,165,30  235,214,42  primary  ext4

7. Remove the existing root partition.

(parted) rm 2

8. Re-create the partition, filling the entire disk.

(parted) mkpart primary 7,165,30 482,18,47
(parted) quit

where 7,165,30 is the starting chs (cylinder, head, sector) number of the original (deleted) partition, and 482,18,47 is the ending chs number of the disk. The information is available in the original partition table.

9. Check and repair the root partition.

$ sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdc2

10. Resize the root partition.

$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sdc2

Login to Raspberry Pi

11. Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and switch it on.

12. Access the Raspberry Pi remotely using SSH.

$ ssh pi@

where is the IP address assigned to the device. The default username is pi, and the password is raspberry.

