Installing Rockbox on Sansa Clip+ for Non-ASCII Support

The Sansa Clip+ is a portable music player with expandable storage (microSD), support for FLAC and Ogg Vorbis, and decent sound quality.

However, although it can play music files with filenames that contain non-ASCII characters, having such filenames in custom playlists would not work. The player simply ignores those files in the playlist. Using the M3U8 playlist extension does not work either.

One way to overcome this would be to install the Rockbox firmware on the Sansa Clip+.

Download Files

1. Download the original firmware, bootloader and the Rockbox build from (Look for those files corresponding to Clip+.)

2. Download the mkamsboot tool from

Create Patched Firmware

3. Extract the downloaded original firmware (clppa.bin).

4. Patch the Rockbox bootloader (bootloader-clipplus.sansa) into the original firmware (clppa.bin).

$ ./mkamsboot clppa.bin bootloader-clipplus.sansa patched.bin

Copy Files into Music Player

5. Set the USB mode of the Sansa Clip+ to MSC (mass-storage device class).

6. Copy the patched firmware into the root directory of the Sansa Clip+ internal storage, renaming the file as clppa.bin.

$ cp patched.bin /media/0123-4567/clppa.bin

where /media/0123-4567 is the mount point for the Sansa Clip+ internal storage.

7. Extract the Rockbox build (which should just be the .rockbox directory) into the root directory of the Sansa Clip+ internal storage.

$ unzip -d /media/0123-4567

where is the downloaded Rockbox build, and /media/0123-4567 is the mount point for the Sansa Clip+ internal storage.

8. The firmware will be updated when the device is unmounted.

Install Additional Fonts for Unicode Support

9. Download the latest font pack from

10. Extract the 14-Rockbox-Mix.fnt and 16-GNU-Unifont.fnt font files into the .rockbox/fonts directory of the Sansa Clip+ internal storage.

$ unzip .rockbox/fonts/14-Rockbox-Mix.fnt .rockbox/fonts/16-GNU-Unifont.fnt -d /media/0123-4567

where is the downloaded font pack, and /media/0123-4567 is the mount point for the Sansa Clip+ internal storage.

11. Change the Rockbox settings to use one of these two fonts.

Settings > Theme Settings > Font

